5 Signs You Need AC Repair
Atlantis Comfort Systems
Even though we often don't think about our air conditioning units all that much, they are an integral part of our lives. After all, they keep our homes, businesses, and office spaces cool so that we can live and work in comfort. We can get more work done and not have to change clothes all the time. So, when our air conditioning starts to give out, we need to be aware of the signs so we're not left without central air when it matters the most, like on the hottest day in July or during an important family event.
Atlantis Comfort Systems offers the best residential and commercial HVAC systems in Rhode Island. We offer heating and cooling installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance, as well as noise abatement and ductwork services. Our mission is to ensure you stay comfortable. Below, we'll take a look at five signs that you need air conditioning repair services. Call our HVAC company based in Warwick to get started today!

Uncomfortable Temperatures
This is probably the most obvious sign that your residential or commercial AC unit is not happy. If you are excessively hot and the air conditioner is running, it's time to call your local air conditioning company, Atlantis Comfort Systems. We'll check your thermostat to make sure it's calibrated correctly, see if there is anything restricting airflow, such as a kink in your ductwork, and check your air conditioning unit itself. Don't deal with hot air longer than you need to; call our team to get started today!

Loud and Obnoxious Sounds
Your AC unit should normally purr like a kitten. If it begins to sound like an angry tiger rather than a cute, cuddly kitten, it's time to call Atlantis Comfort. Your AC unit's motor could be going out. You may hear grinding noises, as well as grating or squealing noises, which is most likely your compressor going out. If you hear hissing (no, it's not a snake), it could be an expansion valve or an air filter that needs adjusting. A buzzing sound is usually an electrical problem. Your expert HVAC technician can discover the source and offer a fix in a jiffy. Call today.

Unusual Smells
Most of us are accustomed to how our homes smell. Therefore, if something out of the ordinary catches your attention, it could be your air conditioning unit calling 911 for help. Sometimes the wire insulation can burn, which is a simple replacement service. If you smell a musty smell, this may be mold, which is a health risk as it blows through your AC system and you breathe it in. Call a top-rated heating and cooling company in Rhode Island, such as Atlantis Comfort Systems, for a thorough diagnostic.

Signs of a Leak
If you notice water build up near your air conditioning unit (and especially if it never goes away), your residential or commercial AC unit may have a leak, either a refrigerant leak or a condenser line or drain leak. A condenser line or drain leak can cause mold to grow, which can then be distributed into your home (not the best thing for your health). A refrigerant leak will require immediate attention from your local HVAC specialist. It is a very harmful chemical and must be treated with care. Plus, if too much leaks, your AC unit will quit working altogether.

High Humidity Levels
You should not feel sticky here in Rhode Island if you are running your AC unit. An air conditioner treats the air by cooling it and removing the humidity from the air, which is why you feel so cool in the summer. However, if you feel sticky, your AC unit has most likely gone awry. Pay attention to the windows too; sometimes, you'll see water around them, another indication that the humidity levels in your home or office space are too high.

Atlantis Comfort Systems offers the best heating and cooling services in Rhode Island. Our expert technicians can't wait to help you solve your AC problem, offer up a repair, and leave your home or office cool, comfortable, and refreshing. Our highly-trained technicians ensure your air conditioning problem is properly diagnosed and repaired before we leave. Our mission is that you are 100% satisfied with your AC repair and that you won't have to call us anytime soon (although we do love hearing from you!).
From residential to commercial or multi-family residential housing, we can help. We only offer the highest-quality heating and cooling services and brands, so that you can rest assured that your comfort needs will be taken care of. In addition, we offer specials for our customers, so check back on our website regularly, too. We're here to brighten your day. Call us for a free quote today!